Fowler K7 Ploughing Engine
On behalf of the owners, we are pleased to advertise for sale Fowler 14256 “General French” and the remaining parts of sister engine 14255 “Lord Kitchener”
Supplied new in March 1916 to E H Prout & Sons, Swalecliffe, Kent the pair worked with them for over 20 years before being sold in 1938 To Holman Bros, Canterbury. By 1958 “General French” was sold separately to H L Drewitt, West Sussex and paired with Fowler 15278 which has also survived into preservation.
In 1972 the engine was sold in a derelict condition to Colin Waite of Somerset who extensively restored “General French” back to full working order. The engine has since been kept in excellent mechanical condition and has been regularly rallied by the current owners and appeared on the TV show “Full Steam Ahead” alongside the families other Fowler K7 (15279). The boiler is reported to be in sound condition having had the 10 year inspection and hydraulic in 2017 and will have a new steam test on completion of sale ready for the new owners to enjoy.
The sister engine “Lord Kitchener” was used as a parts engine to aid the restoration of several other Fowler K7s in the early preservation era. Remaining parts include the complete cylinder block, crankshaft, some motion work, a stillage of miscellaneous parts and the original serial plate. The original registration number is still retained so should someone wish to take on the ambitious project of rebuilding the engine these details will be correct.
The Fowler K7s are arguably the most desirable Leeds built ploughing engines, notably smaller than a BB1 they are easier to move on a low-loader and more practical should you steam them on the road or round the rally field.
For any further details please do not hesitate to contact us. As always, we would be happy to help with part exchange where possible and finance can also be arranged through our specialist partner.